lundi 27 août 2018

Phpbb 3 2 2 to 3 2 5

Vous pouvez maintenant démarrer la mise à jour en pointant votre navigateur sur le répertoire install. This version is a maintenance release of the 3. The fixed issues include, among others, a BBCode parsing regression in the generate_text_for_display() function, a missing variable cast on the ACP extensions page, as well as a fix to how the assets version gets appended to JavaScript files included via INCLUDEJS. Le Père Noël secret de Bertie. Cette version est une version de maintenance de la branche 3. BBou phpBBvers phpBB 3. RC: Modify the forum ID to handle the correct display of viewtopic if needed Template Events. Forum phpBBprêt à être installé dans sa dernière version.

Phpbb 3 2 2 to 3 2 5

Identifier Placement Added in Release Explanation Retri. Inclus notre traduction française. Télécharger le pack complet.

In addition to that, PHP 7. Please ensure that your extensions are compatible before upgrading. The full list of changes is available in the changelog file within the docs folder contained in the release package. Bonjour, Je cherche un Développeur de Extension VIP à créer pour phpBB 3. It was fixed in version 3. Our leading SAST solution RIPS automatically detected this vulnerability in minutes scan time. Die phpBB -Tour Was ist phpBB und wo bekomme ich es?

Phpbb 3 2 2 to 3 2 5

Cross-Referenz des phpBB 3. Decoration will update an existing service with a new name, leaving it intact so that it can be referenced in the new service. Then I clicked on Update files button and installer shows me message in red CANNOT_DELETE_FILES, but all files are already deleted. Hallo zusammen, das phpBB Team hat phpBB 3. Codenamen Bertis Neujahrsvorsatz (Bertie’s New Year Resolution) veröffentlicht.

Wie alle Releases der 3. Reihe handelt es sich hierbei um einen Maintenance Release. Rhea 具有非常容易使用的安装器,可指导你完成安装的过程。 在你解压缩 phpBB 3. Divers styles hérités pour les versions antérieures de phpBB , à télécharger. Styles, extensions et ressources diverses pour phpBB3. RCreleased General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3. The next feature release of phpBB will be 3. Make sure Contributors have their ranks.

Phpbb 3 2 2 to 3 2 5

Ascraeus, will require PHP 5. What way you suggest to keep phpbb up to date? You must login before you can ask a follow up question. Уважаемые пользователи phpBB Guru! Мы рады объявить о выпуске phpBB 3. Данный релиз предназначен для устранения ранее обнаруженных ошибок.

Среди них - исправление ошибки при обработке BBCode, которая. PHPBB 这两个月一反常态(因为坑多)的在更新版本,继上月推出 3.

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