I’m a product Designer and Developer living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Apps for iOS and Android are also available. Other versions are derivatives or fakes, and should be used with caution. for your own profile on GitHub, the best place to host code, manage projects, and build software alongside million developers.
In his early years, he was passionate about technology. At the age of thirteen, Cirulli felt interested in 3D modeling and started coding. Pour cela, déplacez les nombres, verticalement ou horizontalement.
Attention à ce que le plateau ne se remplisse pas, synonyme de défaite. Our regular updates are always free and loaded with improvements. This release includes: - Improved device compatibility. However, one can continue to play the game after reaching the goal, creating tiles with larger numbers.
Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. How to play: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one! DBZ, affrontes la puissance des supers saiyans.
Comment jouer : Utilisez les flèches du clavier pour déplacer les tuiles. Quand deux tuiles avec le même nombre se touchent, elles fusionnent ! Undo-mod by Alok Menghrajani , source. Saving, and loading function may not work.
Le jeu qui rend accro les fans de jeux rapide mais qui font réfléchir. Sur une grille de cases, on fait bouger des nombres -multiples et. Veewo Studio and conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer. Join the numbers and get to the JK tile!
This website is hosted on servers operated by GitHub Inc. This document outlines the data handling practices for this website. What personal data do you collect? Move all the numbered tiles into one of the four directions of the panel.

If two tiles with the same number move into each other, they merge and become the sum of their respective numbers through the magic of math. Son auteur ne soupçonnait sans doute pas son succès futur, mais le jeu a fait un véritable buzz sur Internet tout autour du monde. Added on Commentaires Veuillez vous connecter ou vous inscrire pour poster un commentaire. Skip navigation Sign in.
Gabrielle indique postes sur son profil. Good karmas are rewarded with free mobile versions :) Dont forget to send me your details! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial.
The last few weeks have been quite a wild ride for me. Over the course of the following weeks. Touchscreen slide or use your arrow keys to move the tiles.
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